
Be a Heart Hero this World Heart Day


The 29th of September is World Heart Day, an initiative started by the World Heart Federation that educates the global community about the dangers of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Here’s why it’s worth taking note of this year.

The facts

  • More people die from CVD worldwide than from any other cause – over 17.9 million every year. (world-heart-federation.org)
  • 80% of these deaths are as a result of coronary heart diseases e.g. heart attacks and cerebrovascular diseases e.g. strokes. (world-heart-federation.org)
  • In South Africa, heart disease and stroke are the biggest killers after HIV/AIDS. (heartfoundation.co.za)
  • Every hour in South Africa, 5 people suffer heart attacks and 10 people have strokes. (heartfoundation.co.za)

World Heart Day 2019
Aside from highlighting the scary reality of CVD, World Heart Day also provides individuals with practical steps to help prevent and manage this life-threatening disease. This year’s campaign invites people across the globe to become Heart Heroes “for my heart, for your heart, for all our hearts” and to lead heart-healthy lives.

How can you become a Heart Hero?
According to the World Heart Federation, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke can be avoided if we control risk factors like tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. You can become a Heart Hero by making these three promises to yourself, to your friends and to your family.

1 Promise to eat well and drink wisely
Some of the ways you can stick to this promise are by choosing water and unsweetened juices over sugar-filled drinks, eating fruit rather than sugary treats, including five portions of fruit and veg in your daily diet, preparing food with fresh ingredients rather than buying processed and pre-packaged foods and by limiting your alcohol intake.

2 Promise to get more active
Following these pointers will help you keep this promise and stay on track physically:

  • Get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five times a week.
  • Look for ways to include exercise in your day – walking your dog, taking the stairs, gardening etc.
  • Find an exercise buddy who will help keep you motivated.
  • Track your progress.

3 Promise to say no to smoking
This is the most important promise you can make when it comes to your heart health and here’s why: Within just two years of kicking the habit, your risk of coronary heart disease is significantly lowered and within 15 years, your risk is the same as that of a non-smoker. Need more convincing? How about the fact that your secondhand smoke can cause heart disease in those around you!

(Source: world-heart-federation.org)

A Partnership for Life
Continuous care is part of our Partnership for Life promise at Evergreen Lifestyle Villages. And while we can’t predict the future, our friendly, experienced nursing staff are always available to help residents manage it, whether in one of our specialised frail care centres or in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their homes.