
5 ways to celebrate spring


It’s time to put away those winter woollies because spring is just around the corner. With longer days and warmer weather on the way, here’s how you can celebrate the start of the season.

1. Head outdoors
Take advantage of beautiful spring days by heading outdoors – visit the park, have a picnic, take the dog for a walk, or simply spend a few minutes boosting your vitamin D levels in the spring sunshine. Spring is also a great time to get more active – here’s a look at some activities you may want to try:

2. Lighten up your wardrobe
Start packing away your heavy winter coats and jerseys and bring out some of your lighter garments. The weather can still be somewhat unpredictable in spring, so opt to layer clothing so you can take off items or put them back on depending on the temperature.

3. Lighten up your diet
While winter is the perfect season for warming soups and stews, spring is all about lighter living. Start incorporating seasonal foods into your diet, introduce more salads, and have the occasional berry smoothie for breakfast.

4. Get into the garden
The cold weather may have kept you inside but now’s the time to don those gardening gloves and head outdoors. Spring gardening activities can include feeding your plants and lawn, doing any necessary pruning, weeding and planting, and doing a general garden clean up.

5. Have your first braai of the season
There’s nothing quite like a braai to welcome the warmer weather. So invite a few friends over, whip up a delicious salad, throw some meat (and braai broodjies) onto the grill, and enjoy the time spent outdoors.