
5 simple life hacks for older adults


Intended to make your life just a little bit easier, life hacks are practical suggestions for anything from how to open a stubborn jar to how to unclog a drain. Here’s a look at five of these tips that may be useful to older adults.

1. Make a medical info card
Write down your important medical information on a small card and place it in your purse or wallet – it may come in handy if you ever have an emergency. Include details like your blood type, allergies, GP contact information, medical aid scheme and number, and details for your emergency contact.

2. Use rug pads
Falls are a real concern as we get older and rugs are one of the worst offenders when it comes to tripping hazards. If you’re not prepared to banish them from your home, buy a few non-slip rug pads to keep them firmly in place. There are various options available at stores like Builder’s Warehouse, Mr Price Home and Flooring Depot.

3. Take a picture
Use the camera on your smartphone to keep a visual record of anything you want to remember e.g. a specific product you want to find at the shops or a list of medications you’re currently taking.

4. Set reminders
Need to take a medication at a particular time? Have to collect your grandkids from school every so often? Don’t want to miss important birthdays and anniversaries? If your memory’s not what it used to be or you find yourself getting distracted during the day, set reminders on your phone so you don’t forget any important events. 

5. Increase your text size
Finding it hard to read the text on your cellphone? The good news is that you can stop squinting at your WhatsApp messages by going into your settings and choosing a text size that’s easier on your eyes.