
4 ways to practise self-care


If you haven’t heard the term ‘self-care’ before, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Essentially, it’s about taking time to take care of yourself. Here’s a look at a few simple ways you can practise self-care in your day-to-day life.

1. Move your body

Try to make physical activity a priority – it’s good for your mind and body, and it’s a crucial part of healthy living. Experts generally recommend getting about 30 minutes of exercise a day and there are plenty of enjoyable ways to work out, from taking the dog for a walk or going for a gentle run to swimming or taking a water aerobics class. (Remember that it’s a good idea to chat to your GP before starting any new activity.)

2. Practise relaxation techniques

Keep yourself feeling calm and centred by incorporating some relaxation techniques into your routine. Here are a few suggestions you may want to try: take a few minutes to meditate in the morning, do a calming yoga or Pilates class, practise some deep breathing exercises or spend some time in nature.

3. Eat well

Ensure that you eat regular meals and include a variety of nutritious (and delicious) foods in your daily diet. If you’re in need of some healthy eating ideas, take a look at some of our food-focused articles:

4. Get enough sleep

Another crucial part of healthy living and self-care is getting enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that older adults (65+) get about seven to eight hours of sleep per night and offers the following tips to help you get a good night’s rest: maintain a consistent sleep schedule, get enough exercise, create a calming bedtime ritual, ensure that you have a comfy mattress and pillows, and avoid having caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime.